Docker VS Virtual Machines

September 20, 2021

Docker VS Virtual Machines

At some point in your life, you must have heard the term 'containerization,' which is a fancy way of referring to Docker. If you are ever in a server-focused conversation, someone must have mentioned VMs, which are Virtual Machines. For someone new to servers, this must have been hellish. Well, in this article, Flare Compare Team will compare Docker and Virtual Machines, using factual data and puns, of course, and provide hopefully offer insight to make sound decisions.


Docker is a containerization platform that allows you to run applications in containers. As a server user, Docker helps solve the problem of dependency conflicts. Docker enables the creation of a lightweight, self-contained, and isolated environment that can run on any platform. With the help of Docker, developers can create and deploy applications in a better and faster way.

Pros of using Docker

  1. Docker is lightweight, consuming fewer resources than a VM, resulting in better performance.
  2. Scaling applications is seamless, thanks to Docker's orchestration system, Swarm.
  3. Docker is cross-platform, enabling developers to build and deploy applications on any platform
  4. Docker has a large community of supporters, and with the Docker Hub, it offers a vast array of images that speed up the building process.

Cons of using Docker

  1. Containers in Docker share the same operating system kernel, meaning that you cannot run containerized Windows applications on a Linux server.
  2. Limited access to hardware resources, since containers in Docker cannot access GPU resources, among others.
  3. Security concerns since the sharing of the same operating system kernel means that a loophole in one container could lead to an attack on the main server.

Virtual Machines

VMs, Virtual Machines, is a technology that allows the creation of a virtualized environment that runs like a physical computer on top of your server. A hypervisor is responsible for distributing hardware resources amongst these virtual machines. Virtual Machines hold the distinction of being in existence for much longer than Docker.

Pros of using Virtual Machines

  1. Virtual Machines can run operating systems made for a specific hardware architecture seamlessly.
  2. Virtual Machines allow developers to access hardware resources like a GPU directly, unlike Docker.
  3. VMs offer better security since each VM runs on its kernel, meaning that an attack on one VM would not necessarily mean an attack on the host system.

Cons of using Virtual Machines

  1. Virtual Machines are heavy, with each VM requiring its operating system, translating to more storage used by the machines.
  2. Scaling up applications is more cumbersome with Virtual Machines since creating virtual machines demands more system resources, which could be time-consuming.
  3. VMs boot times tend to be longer since they require time to initiate an operating system.

So which to choose?

Docker and virtual machines all have their strengths and weaknesses; thus, the option you go for depends on your needs. For applications that require lower system resources and model-seamless scaling, Docker is the best option. Virtual Machines, on the other hand, are better suited for resource-intensive applications that require direct hardware access and performance.


  1. What are Containers and their benefits: Docker container technology
  2. Why Docker is more popular than Virtual Machines
  3. Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: A Comparison

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